Ask Moses at the red sea, he stood still stretched out his rod and saw the salvation of the Lord ; God sent a mighty rushing wind and parted the red sea. This allowed the children of Israel to walk through the red sea on dry ground without drowning.Which when Pharaoh and his captains, chariots and horses tried do the same without faith they were drowned in the red sea and there perished.Exodus 15
Ask Daniel in the lion's den, God sent his angel and shut the mouths of the hungry Lions.God commanded hungry lions to leave the man of God alone (touch not the Lords anointed neither do his prophet any harm.) Daniel 6
Ask the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace, stoked seven times hotter than it ought to be. But the fourth man liken onto the son of God rescued them, that not even their clothes were burnt or smelt of fire. Daniel 3
Ask the widow woman in the time of Elijah given pots of oil to the sell so that she could raise money to pay her debtors and feed her family. The oil did't run dry because she and her husband feared God.
Ask the shunammite woman who conceived a child in her old age and had a dead child raised again from the dead because she had faith towards God and believed the prophet of God. 2 Kings 4 8-37
Or Paul and Silas in prison God sent a earth quake and released them while they were praising God for being accounted worthy to suffer at the hand of the Jews for Christ sake.
As well has John on the island of pat-mos for preaching the word of God, living along side wild beast, but Jesus still appeared unto him and preserved him on a lonely island.Revelation 1
Then there was the woman with the issue of blood in the gospel, healed by the power of God through Christ
Don't forget to ask the man who laid on his bed until Jesus came along after thirty eight years and told him to take up thy bed and walk, he had no more need to wait by the pool of Salem for the troubling of the waters once a year any more.
Ask the man who use to cut him self and cried in the tombs because he was filled with legions of demons , but the demons were cast out by the power of the Holy Ghost he was restored to his right mind and wanted to follow Christ; Thank God!
My friend look to God through Christ, what ever you need God has got it.
Salvation, forgiveness, help through out this life and beyond God has .got it, look to him my friend, by faith .
bye for now! ( Have a look at some of my other posts and music videos.)
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