President José Manuel Barroso - 2012 State of the Union address: President Barroso calls for a federation of nation states and announces blueprint for deeper economic and monetary union:
As the day's pass and the economic woes of the world grow the talk of integration and political unions around the world get ever stronger in Africa, central America and especially in Europe. These events are not by chance but is something ordained by God to bring the world into judgement and to fulfil the scriptures. To stir the world into the direction he as predestined before the foundation of the world. The one world government which is coming will have some of the characteristics of the four great empires seen by the the prophet Daniel in the old testament, but this kingdom will be more subtle, ruthless, murderous, but above all else filled with the powers of darkness (lucifer) All the government and gentile rulers before are type's and shadows of what is to come.
The book of Daniel 1, Zechariah 11 to 13, 2 Thessalonians 2 , Matthew 24 to 25 Luke 21, Zephaniah 1
Revelation 13 And I stood upon the the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven head and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. v2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon(the devil) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. v3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death (defeated by Christ on the cross at Calvary.) But Lucifer's son returning for another battle with the apple of God eye, his first born and elect through divine covenant .(Israel)
The chapter above speaks of A wicked ruler and the world government which is to come. and has you can see by what is taking place in the world it is drawing ever closer. John has said already are there many anti Christ in the world. Ungodly people plus a coming ungodly world government.
A world united in unrighteousness, against God and is chosen people the Jews.
The governments past, present and future have all been selected or allowed by God for a season. Being made for his glory St John 1 show as all things were made by him (not sin) and without him was nothing made which was made. The books of Daniel 1, Revelation, Matthew 24, mark, Luke 21, John and through out the bible show the course that the world will follow. It is not optional for the world it's an divine command by the supreme God.
A world government must come, Jesus must return for the Church his bride and the Jewish nation must go through great tribulation.
For it is written not one jot or tittle of Gods word will fall to the ground till all be fulfilled. His word is quick powerful and sharper then any two edged sword and it will not return to him void. It most definitely will accomplish that for which he has sent it. One song writer wrote his got the whole world in his hands the purple headed mountains and the rivers running by .
He as the course of history in his hands. In the book of Daniel 4, he saw the final kingdoms of king Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Made up of golden head, silver chest, brass legs and feet of potters clay and part iron. these were the different world kingdoms to come; And he saw a stone which was cut out of the mountain. This stone is Christ who will destroy the kingdoms of men including the anti Christ world government and establish the Holy sovereign government of God on earth for one thousand years after which the earth will be burnt with fire.
look to Christ in all you do and he will see you through, my friend trust in God always!
Watch out for more read your bible , pray and look to God by faith. please feel free to ask questions
Revelation 1
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