Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Life is worth living because Jesus lives

God made the heaven and the earth the earth was without form,and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep Genesis 1 the first book of the bible tell man this.

Before God made the heaven and the earth there was just the third heavens, a celestial place  where God dwells. A place of peace, harmony, love, praises, singing, and worship. A place where the sons of God sing and worship God eternally.  A spiritual place, a place where is no hunger, war's, famine, murder, no thieves, envy, lust, unemployment, depressions, homelessness, starvation, evil, devil or death. Yet in in the third heavens where God throne dwells is where sin started , where murder started, where rebellion, started, and where lust started . Ezekiel 28 12-19. In this chapter it speak of a literal prince Tyrus Referring to the babylonian ruler of the time. But it is also  allegory or type of the devil, lucifer the dragon. The devil was with God in heaven he was made by God until iniquity (sin) was found in him Isaiah 14 10-17.God wasn't having sin where he dwelt so he ask Michael and his angels to cast him out into the earth Revelation 12 7-17.

Genesis 1: 31 Before God made man, every thing was good, very good with the earth. no earth quakes, no floods or tsunami, no volcano eruptions, no man eating wild animals or sea creatures,  no minus 40 degrees extreme snow storms, no hurricanes or tornadoes, no  hailstones, no drought , no pestilences, or fearful sights, no pain in child bearing, no growing old, no sickness and no death.

Even when God made Adam and eve the first people there was peace and righteousness throughout the whole world, man was in harmony with the beast of the field and with nature (God) that was before they ate of the tree of knowledge, good and evil. Then these events slowly started to take place in the world.  Gen 2, Gen 3

 Disobedience brought these evils on the world not just through natural phenomenon or chance but Sin. Though Adam and eve sinned and turned away from God causing God to bar the where to the tree of life with a flaming sword. for your sake and all the seed of Adam that was still in his loins who would hear the message of repentance the gospel bells message which continuously rings. God promised the the seed of the woman Genesis 3 15 would come  to reconcile fallen man back to God. Also to open the life gate, to bring  hope to man kind in the sea of darkness and despair, restore joy, peace and assurance of a bright eternal future to those who believe and walk in the truth of Christ. One song writer wrote:-

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