Thursday, 29 May 2014

Where did Chrst go on death (Hell & Abraham bosom) comments

Small editing took place by blog owner Victor.S

 We see the Lord, in John 3:13 speaking regarding this matter.

He said that no man has ascended into heaven, except the son of man (Himself),  who came down from heaven.

Some believe that when the Lord was resurrected, he took the believers who were being held in Abraham's Bosom and transferred them to heaven. Doctor C.I. Scofield saw in the word that Hades was made up of 2 parts. He shared on this matter of a transfer, but the word DOES NOT support this theory. Hebrew 11:1-16 & 32-40 they with us (the church) cannot be made perfect.

"Paul was caught up into Paradise and heard unspeakable words, which is not lawful for man to utter.
why would he say this if men were in heaven already ?

We also see Peter in the Book of Acts 2:34 declaring " David did not ascend into the heavens" This was spoken of by Peter AFTER the Lord supposedly transferred all the dead saints to heaven, including David.

If  David, A brother who was a man after God's own heart did not ascend to heaven? Why would Peter declare this, so long after the Lord's ascension?

If all the believers in Abraham's Bosom were transferred to heaven when the Lord resurrected them Peter would never say this regarding David?

Also there is just the matter of the "Dead in Christ rising first" in 1 Thess 4:16 when the Lord returns.

" But the Lord Himself will with a shout of and  with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God will DESEND FROM heaven and the dead in Christ WIIL RISE first.

There is a meeting point.. in the "air" of the Descending Christ and the ascending saints who are in Abraham Bosom.

If these dead are in heaven and still not in asleep, then there is no need for them to ascend. They would be there in heaven already.

Upon His resurrection our Lord Jesus saw Mary and spoke with her. Where were these countless ones that He was supposed to be transferring at that time?

He said that to her in John 20:17

" Jesus said to her, touch Me not for I have not yet ascended to My Father, but Go to My brethren  and say unto them I ascend to My Father and your Father and My God and your God"

He was very much alone yet in His resurrection we were all included in Him as His Body. But this does not mean that the saints were transferred to heaven. Peter and Paul indicated this much in their writings.

So dear friends, the dead in Christ are still awaiting the sound of the trump of God inorder to rise. Then we shall meet the Lord in the AIR... notice that the bible does not say "heaven" but "air"

 Other than that, it is unthinkable to believe that there are dead believers lying unclothed ( without their glorified bodies) before God. There is a principle of being "clothed"with the glorified transfigured bodies that most of those who say that there are believers in heaven right now, did not stop to consider. Its improper to be unclothed before God, especially in this spiritual sense.

The Lord needs to present us fully sanctified as seen in 1 Thes 5:23 which says.
"And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly and may your spirit and soul and body be PRESENTED COMPLETE, without blame at the COMING of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our dead sisters and brothers are yet unclothed and are not ready to be presented before God. So we need to stand with the Word and say that the dead believers are still awaiting the resurrection from the dead ( Phil 3:11) Asleep in Abraham Bosom, from where they will be resurrected by the power of God, be transfigured and received their glorified bodies and then taken Glory heaven real paradise With Christ.

Grace be with your spirit ,.
The visible clouds Sky up in the mountains may be considered the first heaven.

 Where the Sun, Moon and Stars where the second heaven.s  is

The third heaven must be the heaven above the heavens, the hightest heaven as seen in Deut 10:14 and Psa 148:4... where the Lord Jesus and God are today ( Eph 4:10, Hebrews 4:14; 1:3)

 Erika comments

Jesus went to hell to take the keys of death from satan. No, he didn't suffer there. His suffering was done here on earth.
He had sinned, (The Sins of the world were laid on him & he was made a curse for us, my addition added )and God had to punish sin. (OUR DISOBEDIENCE WAS UPON HIM) . Until Jonah had asked for forgiveness and obeyed God-God couldn't bless him.

 All the scriptures are referring to is of God had to punish sin because of Man's disobedience to Him. So, he could not bless them until they had asked Him for forgiveness or obeyed him.

 The only time that God didn't look at his Son, Jesus, was when he had all the sins of man laid on him on the cross. He still loved him most definitely, as he does us when we sin, but he is too Holy to look at sin. Remember when Jesus said, "Father, why have you forsaken me." This is when God turned his head from him because of all the sins of this world resting on Jesus. But, he never suffered when he went to hell to take the keys of death away from satan. See, all this was kept secret from satan. He really thought that Jesus, the Son of God, was a gonna been killed forever and that he could have all the authority here on earth, but he was so wrong. He had not known God's plan. This is so great!
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  • chapel247 answered 6 years ago
    You forgot to mention that HE (JESUS) made a show of the devil openly, and took keys from him before HE rose. This would indicate that HE was in Hell, which makes perfect sense, because HE had to pay that price so you and I wouldn't have to go there ourselves! Remember, HE took on the sins of the whole world! HE became sin, that we might become the righteousness of GOD! It was that sin that required punishment, that freed us from experiencing it. JESUS, before experiencing that separation from HIS Father, said; "If there's any other way, never the less, not my will but thine be done." What happened to JESUS, between HIS death and resurrection, is the eternal separation (Hell), that would have happened to us all.
    Thank You JESUS, for paying the price for us!!!
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