Thursday, 20 August 2015

When is Eternal life (John 17:2-3)

                          "THE GOSPEL OF JOHN" This Is Eternal Life (17:2-3)


1. In His "High Priestly Prayer" (John 17), Jesus makes mention of
   eternal life...
   a. "that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given
      Him." - Jn 17:2
   b. "And this is eternal life..." - Jn 17:3

2. Eternal life is a major theme in the gospel of Christ...
   a. Jesus was crucified in order to offer eternal life - Jn 3:14-16
   b. Eternal life in Christ Jesus is the gift of God - Ro 6:23

3. But what exactly is eternal life...?
   a. Is it simply a future blessing, pertaining to life after death?
   b. Or is it a present possession, something to enjoy in this life?

[What does the Bible say?  Let's see if we can find the answer to the


      1. Many scriptures refer to eternal life as a future blessing
         a. Jesus spoke of it in this way - cf. Mt 25:46; Mk 10:28-30
         b. Paul wrote of it in this way - cf. Tit 1:2; 3:7; Ro 6:22
      2. Thus many think of eternal life in this way
         a. As a future blessing
         b. An everlasting existence in the presence of God, free from
            death, sorrow and pain - cf. Re 21:1-7
         c. Available in this life as a hope
      -- It is certainly scriptural to conceive of eternal life as a hope for the future

      1. John often writes of eternal life as a present possession
         a. As that which is abiding in one (or not) - cf. 1Jn 3:14-15
         b. That God has given us eternal life, that we have eternal
            life - 1Jn 5:11-13
      2. Might John be using a form of speech known as the futuristic present?
         a. "This use of the present tense denotes an event which has
            not yet occurred, but which is regarded as so certain that
            in thought it may be contemplated as already coming to
            pass." - Dana & Mantey, p. 185
         b. Examples of such speech can be found in Jn 14:3; 17:24
         c. If so, eternal life would still be only a future blessing,
            something to be hoped for
      3. There is another explanation which I believe highly plausible
         a. John chooses to use the phrase "eternal life" in a special
            1) Describing a quality of life (and not just quantity of
               life) which comes by knowing God and His Son Jesus Christ
            2) In the manner in which Jesus uses it in His "High
               Priestly Prayer" - Jn 17:3
               a) Jesus says "This is eternal life..."
               b) Defining it as "that they may know You, the only true
                  God, and Jesus Christ..."
         b. In these sense, eternal life is a present possession!
            1) When we come to 'know' God and Jesus, we experience a
               quality of life that surpasses what the world has to
            2) As a present possession, this quality of life is a
               foretaste of the future blessing we shall experience with
            3) As a foretaste, this quality of life can rightly be
               called eternal life
            4) For is not our life with God now really the beginning of
               eternity with God?

[Since Jesus spoke of eternal life in both ways, it is both a future
blessing and present possession.  As we come to 'know' God and Jesus, we
begin to experience the blessings of eternal life.  This naturally
raises the question...]


      1. There are two different words for 'know' in the Greek
         a. oida - this word suggests a fulness of knowledge, coming
            from observation
         b. ginosko - this word suggests a progression in knowledge,
            frequently implying an active relationship between the
            knower and the object known
      2. In Jn 17:3, the word is ginosko
         a. So to 'know' God and Jesus goes beyond knowledge of facts
            about them
         b. It implies a progressive knowledge and understanding which
            comes by having an active relationship with Them
         c. "To know the Father and Jesus Christ (for He is the only way
            to the Father) refers not to merely abstract knowledge, but
            to joyful acknowledgment of his sovereignty, glad acceptance
            of his love, and intimate fellowship with his person
            (through Scripture, that is, through his Word to us; and
            through prayer, that is, through our word to him)."
            - Hendriksen

      1. As suggested by Hendriksen, it involves communication through
         the Word and prayer
      2. It is also directly related to keeping the commandments of the
         a. As emphatically stated by John in his epistle - 1Jn 2:3-4
            1) This is how we know that we know (ginosko) Him
            2) Otherwise we lie if we say that we know (ginosko) Him
         b. As explained by Jesus to His apostles - Jn 14:21,23
            1) Keeping His commandments results in being loved by the
               Father and the Son
            2) Keeping His word results in the Father and Son dwelling
               in us
         c. Thus we will 'know' (ginosko) them:  ever progressing in
            knowledge because of an active relationship with God and


1. Eternal life is more than just a hope regarding a future blessing...
   a. It is a present possession, an unparalleled quality of life
      available in this life
   b. It is a blessing that comes from 'knowing' God and Jesus in a
      personal and progressive way
   c. It is enjoyed only by keeping the commandments of God and Jesus!

2. In the course of our short sojourn in this life, 'knowing' God is
   most important... - Jer 9:23-24
   a. More so than wisdom
   b. More so than power
   c. More so than riches

Jesus came to show us the only way to truly 'know' God, and to
experience the eternal life that He made possible through His death on
the cross.  Are you walking in the commandments of the Lord that you
might truly know God and His Son Jesus, and thereby experience eternal
life...?  Mark A Copeland

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