Friday, 25 November 2016

The Deity of Jesus Christ
(God, the Son)
What different churches teach about Christ's Nature

Atheist Believe Jesus was just a man. They do credit him with being an influential philosopher and a moral intellectual who became wiser with age. They do not believe Jesus was raised from the dead.
Christadelphian Jesus did not exist in any personal way before His divine conception but is the literal "word of God" become flesh. He was created a special but mortal man. He received divine power at His baptism which was withdrawn at the cross. Since they assert man has no soul, he also ceased to exist during the three days he was dead. Upon his resurrection, Jesus became the fullness of deity in bodily form thus completing a three step progression in nature. (Heb 13:8) They do not believe Christ will ever be equal to God or truly divine since they believe Jesus is a created being just like man and the angels.
Jehovah's Witnesses They teach that Jesus was created by God just prior to creation. Jesus then created everything else. (Col 1:16,17 NWT inserts "other" before "things" to make the text read, "By His all OTHER things were created". The word "other" inserted throughout the text is not in the original Greek.) Jesus is not considered to be equal to God at all but a lesser being. Jesus ceased to exist at His death for 3 days.
Mormon "As man now is, God once was...As God now is, man can become." Is a saying that accurately describes Mormon view of Jesus. Mormons believe that Jesus was created by God and is a "brother" to Satan. Like H.W. Armstrong, they teach divine progression. Jesus was once just a man who lived on another planet. He eventually progressed to be equal to God and came to colonize planet earth with "gods to be" or humans. Unforeseen to Christ, Satan (Jesus' brother) put a kink in this plan when he deceived Adam and Eve. Jesus was then required to die for fallen man, His creation. Jesus therefore is a model for us and one day we will be equal to God and colonize other planets too. There are millions of other planets being colonized right now in the same way in other galaxies. What makes earth's colonizing process unique is Satan's deception of Adam. Jesus is the God of planet earth. The Mormon hope is to marry, through a Mormon Temple ceremony, as many earth women as possible for eternal celestial marriage. In the resurrection all good Mormon men will call from the dead those women they married in a temple ceremony. They will then fly off to some uninhabited planet with their many polygamous wives and populate that planet.
Bible The Bible teaches that Jesus is one of three separate persons beings who are divine. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are equal and have always existed. (The are three yet one in unity and substance.) The Bible view of the divinity of Christ is categorically different from all the above. We will one day share the divine pattern of moral conduct and be equal to God in righteousness but mankind will in no sense ever be considered divine or equal to God in nature. Jesus pro-existed His physical birth: Jn 1:15 + Lk 1:24-26; Jn 1:1. Jesus created ALL THINGS and therefore is not Himself created: Jn 1:3; Col 1:16,17; Heb 1:2,10. Rev 5:13,14 pictures a scene with all creation worshipping Jesus as God: Rev 5:13,14
I. Jesus pre-existed His physical birth
A. Jesus actually created the universe in Gen 1:1 (John 1:3, Heb 1:2,8-12; Col 1:16-17)
B. Jesus existed before Abraham who died 2000 BC: John 8:56-58
C. Jesus existed before John the baptist who was six months older than Jesus: John 1:15 + Lk 1:24-26
D. Prophecies before his incarnation into Mary's womb:

    • He will be called "God with us": Isa 7:14
    • He will be called, "Mighty God, Eternal Father": Isa 9:6
II. Jesus is Divine in name and is called "GOD" directly: John 1:1-3
A. Passages where Jesus is unquestionably called God

  • Heb 1:8 Father addresses son as God
  • Jn 1:1 The word was God
  • Phil 2:6-8 Jesus existed in the form of God
  • Jn 20:28 'My Lord and My God
  • Isa 7:14 "A Child Will Be Born And His Name Is Called": "Emanuel: God with us"
  • Isa 9:6 "A Child Will Be Born And His Name Is Called": "Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace"
B. Passages that speak of Christ's deity but because of the wording in the Greek, it can be argued that the Father is being addressed as God, not Jesus.

  • Titus 2:13-14 "looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus; who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds."
  • 1 Timothy 1:16,17 "And yet for this reason I found mercy, in order that in me as the foremost, Jesus Christ might demonstrate His perfect patience, as an example for those who would believe in Him for eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen."
  • 1 Timothy 6:14-16 "that you keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He will bring about at the proper time-He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords; who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light; whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen."
  • 2 Peter 1:1 "Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord"
III. Jesus is called Jehovah:
A. When you read the Old Testament passage it is certainly talking about Jehovah. But the Holy Spirit through inspiration, quoted these passages in the New Testament and APPLIED THEM TO JESUS! This proves that Jesus is Jehovah God along with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

JEHOVAH Applied to Jesus
Old Testament New Testament
Creator Of AllPs 102:24-27 Heb 1:8,10-12
Prepare Way Forlsa 40:3; Mal 3:1 Mt 3:3; Jn 1:23,30
Jehovah PiercedZech 12:10 Jn 19:37
Call On JehovahJoel 2:32 Acts 2:21,36; 4:10-12
B. Jehovah is described in the Old Testament in a number of unique titles. These titles are applied to Jesus Christ in the New Testament, proving He is Jehovah God along with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Jehovah is Jesus Christ is
Old Testament New Testament
The great "I Am"Ex 3:13-14 Jn 8:57-59
Lord of LordsDeut 10:17Rev 17:14
Lord of GloryPs 24:10; 29:3 1 Cor 2:8
First and the LastIsa 41:4; 44:6; 48:12 Rev 1:17; 2:8; 22:13
C. Jehovah is spoken of in the Old Testament as possessing distinct and unique attributes. (Look for the word "ONLY" Example: If "only" Jehovah was the creator, then the angels had no part in it.) Yet we find that these qualities are directly and plainly attributed to Jesus Christ proving He is Jehovah God, along with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Only Jehovah Jesus Christ is also
Old Testament New Testament
Only Creator Of AllIsa 44:24Jn 1:1-3; Col 1:16,17
The Only RockDeut 32:4,12; Isa 44:8 1 Cor 10:4
Alone Knows Hearts1 Ki 8:22-23,39Mk 2:5-8; Jn 2:24-25
Not Give Glory AwayIsa 42:8Jn 17:5; 1:14
Only Saviourlea 43:11; 45:21 Mk 2:7; Tit 2:13
IV. Jesus Is Divine In Substance
A. Col 2:9: the fullness of deity
B. Hob 1:3: exact representation of His nature
C. Jn 14:8-10 He who sees Me sees the Father.
V. Theme of the book of John: Jesus Taught He Is Divine
A. Overview of John:

  • We begin in John 1:1 with a plain statement of fact that Jesus is God. The gospel of John traces the process of Jesus teaching this fact of His divinity to mankind in various settings. Finally the book closes with another plain statement of the fact of Jesus' divinity, except this time it comes from the mouth of "doubting Thomas".
B. Basic outline of John:

  • More than a just a prophet: Jn 6
  • V 29 A prophet Believe in Him whom God has sent
  • V 30-34 A prophet equal to Moses: What sign? Manna from heaven
  • V 41,42 greater than Moses: "I have come down out of heaven'
  • Jn 5:17,18 I and Father are working: equality
  • Jn 8:53-59 "Tell them "I AM" sent you." (see Ex 3:14)
  • Jn 10:30-33 I and Father are one: equality
  • Climax of book: Jn 20:27,28: "my Lord and my God'
  • Conclusion of book: Jn 20:31 "these have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name"
VI. Jesus is one of three members of the Godhead!

God The Father, Son & Holy Spirit (Eccl 4:12)
Bible VerseFather Son Holy Spirit
Baptism in name of (Mt 28:18)"Father" "Son""Holy Spirit "
Creation of universeActs 17:24 Jn 1:1-3Gen 1:2
Baptism of Jesus (Mt 3:16-17)Spoke from heaven In waterLike dove in air
Another comforter (Jn 14:16)"Ask Father to" "I" (Jesus)"Send another"
Paul's request (Rom 15:30)"Prayers to God" "Jesus""Love of H.S. "
Paul's farewell (2 Cor 13:14)"Love of God" "Grace of Jesus""Fellowship of H.S."
Unity passage (Eph 4:4-6)"One Father" "One Lord""One Spirit "
1 Cor 12:4-6the same Godthe same Lordthe same Spirit
1 Pet 1:2Foreknowledge of God the Fathersanctifying work of the Spiritobey Jesus Christ
Isa 48:16Lord Godhas sent Meand His Spirit
Unity passage (Eph 4:4-6)"One Father" "One Lord""One Spirit "
Three divine beings: "Let Us"Genesis 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; Isa 6:8
A. Angels should not be worshipped, only God: Rev 19:10; 22:8-9
B. Men should not be worshipped, only God: Acts 10:26
C. Jesus accepts worship from Angels:: Heb 1:6
D. All creation worships both Father and Lamb: Rev 5:11-14
E. Men worshipped Jesus and He did not refuse:
a. From the wise men - Mt 2:11
b. From the leper - Mt 8:2
c. From the ruler - Mt 9:18
d. From His disciples in the boat - Mt 14:33
e. From the Canaanite woman - Mt 15:25
f. From the man born blind - Jn 9:38
g. From the women and other disciples following His resurrection - Mt 28:9,17
h. From the disciples following His ascension - Lk 24:52
VIII. Attempts to deny the deity of Christ: 2 Pe 3:16
The chart below is typical of how some religious groups attempt to deny the full deity of Christ. Notice that every passage they use to deny the deity of Christ makes reference to the period of time when Jesus existed as a man. When Jesus was on earth He said, "the Father is greater than I". He said this because at THAT TIME the source of Jesus' power was the Father. Phil 2:6 says that Jesus took off the robes of equality with God during his earth life.
God Jesus Christ
Cannot Be Tempted Jas 1:13Tempted 40 Days Lk 4:2
Alone Hath Immortality 1 Ti 6:13-15Lived And Was Dead (Passage Refers To Christ Not Father)
No Man Seen 1 Ti 6:16; 1:16-17John Saw And Bear Record: Jn 1:34 (Passage Refers To Christ Not Father)
God Is Spirit Jn 4:24Made Of Woman, Flesh & Bones Gal 4:4; Heb 2:14
God Of Knowledge I Sam 2:3; Jer 23:24Learned Obedience/Increased In Wisdom Heb 5:8; Lk 2:52
God In Heaven Mt 11:25; 6:9Mediator Between God & Man 1 Ti 2:5-6
Father Of Jesus 2 Cor 1:3Son Of God Jn 20:30
I Change Not Mal 3:6Never To Die Again (A Change)Rom 6:9
None Good But God Mk 10:18Word's Christ Spoke
Father Greater Than 1 Jn 14:28Word's Christ Spoke
Philippians 2:6-7 "although He (Jesus) existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross."
Phil 2:5-8 answers the whole chart. Notice that Jesus did exist in the "form of God" prior to His incarnation. "He did not regard equality with God a thing to grasped, so He lot go of being equal with God, "He emptied Himself" during His physical life upon the earth. Jesus was still divine even though a man, "In His all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form" Col 2:9. Jesus prayed, "Father, glorify He with the glory I had with Thee before the world was" Jn 17:5. Jesus has been transformed back into the "form of God".
IX. Is Jesus not Divine because he must submit to the Father?
A. Phil 2:6-8 Jesus let go of equality, but retained his divinity
B. I Cor 15:28 After resurrection Son will be subjected to Father
1. Perhaps Christ forever gave up equality in rank with God in order to save mankind. If no, Jesus is no less divine.
2. Perhaps the Son being subject to the Father at the resurrection is a restoration of how they related to one another before creation. Again, it doesn't make Jesus any leas divine.
Are they equal???
Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
FACT False attitude reaction
Wife must submit to Husband Eph 5:22Male superiority, women are not equal because they submit women's liberation
Employees must submit to boss: Eph 6:5-6Boss is superior. Employees not equal because they submit labour movement and unions
Jesus must submit to Father: 1 Cor 11:1-3; 15:27-28 Father is superior. Jesus not equal because He submits deny deity of Christ
Truth: One's nature and equality is not dependent upon whether they submit. Jesus taught the greatest will be the servant!
X. Jesus divinity questioned and affirmed 6 times:

Deity Questioned Deity Affirmed
Satan "If you are Son" (Mt 4:3)God "This is My Son" (Mt 3:17)
Jew's "If you are Christ" (Jn 10:24) Jesus "I Am" (Jn 10:36)
Soldiers "If you are King" (Lk 23:37) Pilate "This is the King" (Lk 23:38)
Some at cross "If you are Son" (Mt 27:40) Centurion "Truely He was Son" (Mt 27:54)
Thief #1 "If you are Christ" (Lk 23:39) Thief #2 "He has done no wrong" (Lk 23:40)
Thomas "I will not believe unless" (Jn 20:27) Thomas "My Lord and my God" (Jn 20:28)

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